Throughout our existence, the Bexar County Democratic Party (BCDP) has promoted the Democratic Party values, traditions and history as a local political organization dedicated to representing concerns of ALL citizens in Bexar County. Today, the BCDP is growing its community participation with an eye on:
Throughout the BCDP’s long and rich history, local individuals dedicated to traditional Democratic values of “governance & legislation for the greater good” have stepped up to the task of leading the organization. In the last half century names like Peters, Quintanilla, Ramos, Vela, Martinez, Medina and Alcantara have taken the reins to oversee the responsibility of keeping elected Democratic officials in office and helping Democratic Party candidates get elected in Bexar County. While the manner, ideas and strategies implemented to meet this common goal have varied from Chair to Chair, the goal and commitment to elect DEMOCRATS to office has always been the passion of the day. This passion to serve Texas families continues just as strong today as it ever has!
The mid-term elections of 2022 established another “high water mark” for the BCDP when Chairwoman Alcantara, the CEC, the Coordinated Campaign team, and hundreds of local Democratic volunteers delivered every single county-wide contested race for the Bexar County Democratic Party. While this is a remarkable achievement, there’s more work to do. We are now focused on ensuring our ground game is solid, and this means recruiting and training precinct chairs across Bexar County. This must be an all-hands-on-deck effort, so we not only win Bexar County for Democrats, but we also take back our state in 2024! |
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