Throughout our existence, the Bexar County Democratic Party (BCDP) has promoted the Democratic Party values, traditions and history as a local political organization dedicated to representing concerns of ALL citizens in Bexar County. Today, the BCDP is growing its community participation with an eye on:
Diversity and social justice for every citizen regardless of economic status
Protecting every Texan’s right to vote and holding elected officials accountable to their oath of office
Supporting equal pay for equal work and legislation that will deliver “living wages” for all Americans
Accessibility to affordable healthcare for all citizens
Social justice reform
The BCDP is led by its Chair who is elected to the position for a two-year term during the Democratic Primary. The Chair oversees the BCDP with assistance from its Executive Council comprised of representatives from Bexar County’s four Commissioner Precincts.
The County Executive Committee, better known as the CEC, is the governing body of the BCDP and includes elected and/or appointed precinct chairs across the county. The CEC’s mission is to keep registered Democrats throughout Bexar County informed on current political issues and connected with elected officials, while representing their constituents and developing a “pipeline” of future Democratic candidates and officeholders.
Precinct Chairs are key to community building, political organizing, and getting out the vote. It’s where the ground-level work happens. One of our priority initiatives is to recruit and train Precinct Chairs so we’re ready for the years forward.