Fill out the form below for consideration to be added to one of our three event pages/calendars: Official BCDP, Club, or Candidate/Fundraiser. Also, if you have graphics/flyer image that go with your request, click HERE to send them separately.
To post to our Facebook page, see the following: We encourage all candidates and clubs to promote their events on our official Facebook Group. You can find our Group on the first tab at the top of the page - 1. Join the Group 2. Post your event link from your FB page or make a new post 3. Engage our group members 4. No campaigning - “telling someone how to vote” 5. Share information on how our Democrats can get information about your candidate, how they can volunteer and how they can support you financially by purchasing tickets to events or fundraising. 6. Be cautious of fatigue and share the space with others.